Sunday, 29 August 2010

Working progress of new whittling character

Ive only just started to whittle the human form as before I was apprehensive of human faces as I thought they were hard to do but as i have discovered by doing this helpful tutorial of a 5 minite wizard there are ways round it. This really built my confidence. This is the link and i have already posted the photo's of the one i carved. I was using another video of his and was trying to carve a Santa but it didn't turn out right so i changed it into a old Sergeant major, as i said before it is a working progress but for a failure i am quiet happy with it. The link to the video i was using is here, Im sorry all i can find is the second part and the conclusion, but it starts off pretty much the same as the wizard.
                                                                   This is my Sergeant.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

Rope Sling

My sling was made using about 7 feet and 6 inches of nylon cord. Easy to do ,but does take some concentration. I found this amazing tutorial on YouTube- I had to watch it a couple of times to get it but i am very new to knots so a veteran would probably find it quiet easy. 
  Ive only just started to really take interest in knots and i have found they really are cool. The person who made that video's channel is really useful and defiantly recommended. Tying It All Together. I am aiming to try and find a really good comprehensive guide to knots so any recommendations would be helpful, thanks.

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Making a wooden sheathe for my knife

I've always imagined this as a task impossible for my minor skills as a bushcrafter, but today on this, a fine, chilly summer evening,I thought to give it ago any who.
 It all started when i came across a video of a complete legend hoboex on YouTube, if you have not subscribed to him yet you really should. Not particularly step by step as such because he leaves things to ya own common sense, but he really illustrates how simple it can be and how effective bushcraft is That's the video.

 I didn't use birch bark, i did however use some random old string that i found around the house, i was going to use some cordage ide done but couldn't find any and cba to do any. Later job, i used a close hitch to start the lashing and another one to finish. I got the technique for the knots from SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation mine is the pocket one that my girlfriend got me its amazing. All things useful to know.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

My first wizard

I love to carve as you may or may not no, this was my first patterened carving i went a little bit off in my own way but really enjoyed it. Also this was the first carving ive ever painted and that also turned out well i throught all round gd one.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

New spoon knife

To be honest I've had it a while now but i haven't been able to post for a bit so i will write it as if i have just got it .. lol. Its really cool i got it off ray mear's is website, I wanted this particular one because i thought ,still do think its the best u can get, unless u have a friend that can forge one for you, but don't think of me as a snob just i think with tools, you get what you pay for . I want a tool for life if possible. Its amazing quality, razor sharp comes with a poly blade sheath and the blacksmiths initials on the handle.
  I've made my first bowl with it its hard going if u want it deep, I'm learning very quickly that you do not want to rely on it for the roughing out, may sound stupid but i was naive to think you could make it do the work and it would take it just fine but sadly it seems to blunt quickly.
  Its expensive but very nice to use but i must learn how to sharpen it lol. i finished the outside of the bowl using a belt sander, i no its cheating, i did the bulk work with a chisel and my knife, axe was to clumsy for the job.

First lathe bowl

It was a big learning curve i know its not bushcraft but i want to post about all manner of crafts. I really enjoyed it it was very fun, very quick. Made out of an off cut of pine, it's too soft really and my newbie mistake was seeing other peoples bowls and, not wanting it to be too fat i went to thin. Its unbelievably light almost like polystyrene.
 Sanding is a dream as is lacquering etc. I really want to get a lathe of my own but the cost is very high for my very small bugit.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Follow up on my bow

Finally got some arrows i know its cheating but i just couldn't be bothered with the hassle. I will be making some at some point.
It fired well for my first but then i put a nock in for the arrows to sit.
Now it only fires down lol ow well.
I'll make a new one, its all good fun.
But atm I'm really into wood working so trying to make a few box's etc and my dad wants to teach me rug making, dono how good it will be but I'm always up for learning a new craft.