Tuesday, 29 June 2010
My first bowl/ pond boat
I made my first bowl using an axe. It took about and hour to rough it out and wasn't very thin but was what i thought quiet good. I then used a curved chissel( normally used for eye soccets etc) to carve the inside deeper .
This part was what took the time i used specald oak, i think and seeled it using lin seed oil. Before sanding it 3 times with 80-180 grit paper i tryed to get rid of some of the indents left from a inadequat tool for the job. I think it turned out well but there is obvious room for inproovement.
I am currently workin on getting a spoon knife, this will hopefully enhance any future bowls by giving a smoother base and getting rid of marks left by my chissel.
Monday, 28 June 2010
My cordage break through
I bought Ray Mear's essential bushcraft and was reading through and i found where he talks about cordage using nettles and I've been trying to make cordage for ages using all sorts of different methods with all sorts of materials but my break through moment came with using root fibres (which i bashed with the back of my axe) and the method suggested in this his book.
This method is where you turn the piece away from you then move it underneath the other piece by twisting both pieces towards you.
Where i struggled and still do is in splicing. I learned through the Internet and from Essential bushcraft, but what i found was that what they don't seem to tell you is to twist the pieces together and hold them with the finger you hold the actual cordage with but maybe its just me.
The last thing I'll say as i am also a beginner is that once you have done it once you can always do it, like riding a bike.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
My first bow
I managed to make my bow and not have it brake on me for the first time last night. 4 tries down but at least I've finished it.
From my experience the key is to loose as much wood as you can till it bends then take more off
but don't just concentrate on the front also concentrate on the sides.
My next job is to either buy or make some arrows any advise would be useful please.
Thursday, 17 June 2010
My first ever carving
Tiki Man
My first carving to add is one i did for my girlfriend and its of a tiki man. I enjoyed doing this but it took forever. All i used was a small swiss army blade and I burned it to enhance the details i put in it. I went through a faze of burning my carvings but i'm not sure if it does enhance it or not to be honest. I also stained the stump he's sat on.
This is my first blog, I hope the title hasn't misled you as initially this will mainly be on carving/whittling but I am an aspiring bushcrafter. So I will be putting in some attempts at bushcraft, so hopefully I'll be learning with you.
How I came upon writing a blog...I was lying in the bath discussing with my girlfriend ( who was not in the bath) about building a website for displaying and getting feedback on whether you think my carvings are suitable for selling. Also Im looking for advice on how I can improve, as hopefully I would like to carve as my career.
How I came upon writing a blog...I was lying in the bath discussing with my girlfriend ( who was not in the bath) about building a website for displaying and getting feedback on whether you think my carvings are suitable for selling. Also Im looking for advice on how I can improve, as hopefully I would like to carve as my career.
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