Monday, 28 June 2010

My cordage break through

I bought Ray Mear's essential bushcraft and was reading through and i found where he talks about cordage using nettles and I've been trying to make cordage for ages using all sorts of different methods with all sorts of materials but my break through moment came with using root fibres (which i bashed with the back of my axe) and the method suggested in this his book.
 This method is where you turn the piece away from you then move it underneath the other piece by twisting both pieces towards you.
 Where i struggled and still do is in splicing. I learned through the Internet and from Essential bushcraft, but what i found was that what they don't seem to tell you is to twist the pieces together and hold them with the finger you hold the actual cordage with but maybe its just me.
The last thing I'll say as i am also a beginner is that once you have done it once you can always do it, like riding a bike.

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